Friday, January 16, 2009

You can make 2009 your LEAP YEAR!

The LEAP YEAR idea struck me recently as I thought of how I can make the most of 2009. 2009 is not a leap year, but you can make it one. A year of quantum leaps.
A leap year is one year in every four years, with an extra day (February 29). Note that there is an extra day to every leap year. For me, this definition contains a nugget of wisdom – To experience a leap; go the extra mile. You’ve got to go the extra mile this year. A year that is not a leap year is called a common year.
Don’t let 2009 be a common year for you. Decide to make it a leap year by pursuing your dreams to a logical conclusion and taking steps everyday towards achieving your goals.
In each leap year, the month of February has 29 days instead of 28. February 29 is a date that usually occurs every four years, and is called leap day. Everyday in 2009 becomes a leap day, when you constantly work towards your goals and pursue your dreams.
A quantum leap is a sudden, great and important change, improvement or development. That is what you probably need this year. But are you set to take giant strides? Zig Ziglar, a best-selling author and motivational speaker defined an insane person as a person doing things the way he or she has always done them and expecting a different result. You can’t afford to continue following that wrong route and expect to arrive in the arms of success. This is definitely a year for you to do things differently.

If you desire a quantum leap, then the following tips might be of help to you.
Did you know that the biggest room in the world is the room for improvement?
Make reading a way of life. Charlie “Tremendous” Jones, the founder and CEO of Executive Books once remarked, “You are the same today as you’re going to be in five years except for two things, the people you meet and the books you read”. You can also add tapes, CDs and DVDs that can add up to your knowledge.

The people you move with influence you a great deal. You need friends that can help you achieve your life goals. Choose your friends carefully, purposefully. Move with people that can keep you inspired and excited about your goals; people that can bring out the best in you.

Go for trainings. Attend seminars, workshops, conferences and events that can expose you to the latest developments in your field and bring out the best in you either as an employee or employer.

Information is power. Explore every source of information you know. For example, the internet is a powerful resource. I have mentioned books. The media – television, radio, newspapers, magazines and other print publications – is also loaded with information that might take you to the next level.

What about learning a new skill this year? Make sure it is a relevant and marketable skill that can increase your value and help you satisfy either your employer or your clients and customers.
A person born on February 29 may be called a "leapling" or a "leaper". Whether you’re born on February 29 or not, you can be a leaper throughout 2009! Aggressively pursue progress this year! Go ahead and register for your Masters programme. Yes, buy that land. Begin to lay the foundation of your house. Enough of this hesitation, or is it procrastination they call it. Propose to that lady and start making marriage preparations. Register for that professional exam.
Start that project you’ve had in mind all this while. Buy that book. Register that company. Write that proposal and submit it. Enroll in that school. Forgive that person. Join that organization. Make that move. Nothing moves until you move. Don’t listen to your doubts. Take that bold step! Stop building obstacles in your imagination!
Ideas attract resources. When you make a determined move at your idea, someone might just be interested enough to support you financially or otherwise. The person might give you contact details of people who can help make your ideas materialize.
The key to success is ACTION. Conrad Hilton puts it like this: Success seems connected to action. Successful men keep moving. They make mistakes but they don’t quit. As you improve in leaps and bounds, you would be making 2009 a LEAP YEAR!

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